Learn French quickly and on the cheap

So one of your New Year's resolutions was to pick up a foreign language.   Whether it be for a planned vacation, connection with a relative, career opportunity, picking up girls, etc. learning a new language can be daunting but rewarding.   And best yet, free. My situation: given roughly 2 months notice for a new project manager role based out of a manufacturing town in eastern France.  One of those months would be spent traveling and studying in China.  Four years of Spanish taken in high school but squat French. The goal: to become as adept at listening and comprehension as possible using after-work-hours in that short window.  Pressure and deadlines are excellent motivators - and in a short time I would need to co-exist in a small town with sparse English fluency.  Below are some resources I found essential. iOS Apps Audiobooks Podcasts Instructional Videos Foreign Films News Radio (intermediate) Local Clubs & Gatherings (intermediate)   The result:  Basic comprehension and speaking in only 2 months.   These skills increased greatly after relocating to France and befriending some helpful locals.  Maintenant j'aime parler français!